Stepping into sound cloud seven

Episode 591

We are getting sequential tonight. Which is actually nothing else than doing things one after the other. Maybe repeatedly so. If you think about an engine of a machine, it also is all about repetition of the same sequence. Over and over again. Well, it's not the same, because in music, such sequences in a song evolve over time. They take a while to build up, they vary more or less over the song's story, to finally fade out and release. And there are so many variations of beautiful sequences that one can fill an epoch with great music. Like tonight, where it is only 60 minutes but full of outstanding golden age inspired music by fantastic artists like VoLt (Schallplatte 24), Thaneco (Journey to Ithaca Vol.2), Wellengärtner (Sequential Meditation), Martha Rabbit (Phonolith), Baltes & Erbe (Four Stories), Daniel & Booth (Circle Of Phenomenon).



VoLt - Transcendence (Schallplatte 24)
Thaneco - Skylla (Journey to Ithaca Vol.2)
Wellengärtner - Echoes From The Past (Sequential Meditation)
Martha Rabbit - Phonolith (Phonolith)
Baltes & Erbe - Polyaural (Four Stories)
Daniel & Booth - Phenomenon (Circle Of Phenomenon)
