Yes, the die is cast. This is the very first edition of syndae that is streaming only. I hope you are still enjoying the show. Its full description with all bling bling will still be on, including a player framed via Soundcloud. But you will also find the podcast on Mixcloud. And maybe still fed into iTunes, if I did that one right (let me know if I didn't). Anyway, I want to use this edition to say thanks to some of my friends and supporters, who not only are musicians but label owners and otherwise helping me with making syndae known to the world out there. It's a great honor to have you all in my social bubble, and I couldn't do it without your help. So a big thanks, just before syndae goes on a one week break to take a rest from all this collective rights business. I hope you enjoy tonight's music as much as I do. Here you will find tracks by Stefan Erbe (Nachtlichter), Time Away (Alien Invasion), moonbooter (Both Sides of the Moon), David Wright + Stephan Whitlan (The Reflecting Sky), Jim Ottaway (Skies Rain Down).
Stefan Erbe - Nachtlichter (Nachtlichter)
Time Away - The Curfew (Alien Invasion)
moonbooter - Anomalie (Both Sides of the Moon)
David Wright + Stephan Whitlan - Collide (The Reflecting Sky)
Jim Ottaway - Skies Rain Down (Monsoon Mix) (Skies Rain Down)