The sound path taken

Episode 499

Do you sometimes think back about roads not taken, because they seemed uncertain or dangerous? I do. It's always an easy way to be angry about a potential decision that might have led to a better situation in life. Truth is, you do not know and never will. Any decision made, any road taken most probably would only have gotten you in a different kind of trouble. This happens to tiny things, like being in the wrong queue at a shopping mall or ending up in heavy traffic because of taking a short cut. Well, sometimes risk pays out, sometimes it does not. That's life. And what does this have to do with tonight's show? Most probably nothing. It might reflect the tracks I chose, which make an edition unique. It might be the sound an artist has selected for his track. Regardless, what one is struggling with, best to simply enjoy whatever little fun you can get. Like the wonderful tracks of this show, which are by Pandacetamol (Driftwood), V (23.56.04), Eisenlager (@work), Vulpes (Beat Battle Royale / Compilation), Hydro Fyter (Rust), The Oracle Model (Eventide Tears).


Pandacetamol - Down Where it's Wetter (Driftwood)
V - Astral (23.56.04)
Eisenlager - Ein bißchen Goethe, ein bißchen Bonaparte (@work)
Vulpes - Ark Kirchoff 5 (Beat Battle Royale / Compilation)
Hydro Fyter - Surfaced (Rust)
The Oracle Model - Baclashes (Eventide Tears)
