A globe spanning mix of music tonight on syndae episode 31. Having music from down under by Guido Negraszus, from the UK by John Dyson, from the US by Atomic Skunk, and more great European artists: Parallel Worlds (Greece), Polaris (Poland), Synth.NL (Netherlands), and Klangwelt (Germany).
- Guido Negraszus - Sailing Forever (Secret Worlds)
- John Dyson - Values (Different Values)
- Klangwelt - Bed of Clouds (XOIO)
- Atomic Skunk - Flying Spiders of Babylon (Binary Scenes)
- Parallel Worlds - Urgency (Shade)
- Polaris - Flashback (Background Stories)
- Synth.NL - Turbulence (AeroDynamics)
- Apr. 11th 2009: E-Day