As a matter of fact it's a bout 10 to 16 C these days, not the weather to expect for this season in this region. But when we are at it, let's bring some summer feeling to us in form of chilling music. Funny though, as the chill is what the temperatures outside should be. In the end, it's all very fitting. More than that, this will be the last edition of syndae for 2018, of course having great electronic music on board, some tracks I missed out in autumn and brand new music as well. I hope you will have a wonderful festive time these days. And if you need some fitting music, well, I prefer the sound of tonight's syndae edition, but there also are the christmas specials from back in the days, which you will find in the arhives at For me, this is the true sound of these days, given to us as tracks by Pan Electric (Step Out), Abraham Carmona (Ibiza), Meesha (Trip to Mars), Andy Pickford (Objects & Expressions III), alucidnation (Paracosmic), and Psyonysus (Interbeing).
Pan Electric - Step Out (excerpt) (Step Out)
Abraham Carmona - Electronic Dreams (Ibiza)
Meesha - Expedition One (Trip to Mars)
Andy Pickford - Walk (Objects & Expressions III)
alucidnation - Losing My Mind (Paracosmic)
Psyonysus - Satori (Interbeing)