Working on sweet things

Episode 459

Back from Belgium with a bag full of CDs and a brain full of nice experiences, meeting up with friends and artists of the electronic music scene. It was a wonderful festival with cool and fresh music, and my last music event for quite some time. Winter is up in the northern hemisphere. And also some festive days with lots of delicious treats. Well, if you are not into candy bars and chocolate santa, maybe you like the treats I have on this show. Very traditional tonight with brand new music by Michael Brückner (During a Lull and Other Tales), Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder (Live @ B-Wave), Bernhard Wöstheinrich (Elsewhere), and Anantakara (Momentum Lapses).


Michael Brückner - Seen From a Thousand Miles (excerpt) (During a Lull and Other Tales)
Broekhuis, Keller & Schönwälder - B-Wave Too (Live @ B-Wave)
Bernhard Wöstheinrich - Weisses Venn (excerpt) (Elsewhere)
Anantakara - The High Meets the Low (Momentum Lapses)
