Taking a bow to midnight

Episode 395

For at least four years, about every fortnight a new volume of the Midnight Radio compilation was released. It always contained a bunch of tracks covering a very broad range of styles, from traditional and classic electronic to pop, ambient and experimental music. Not to mention, that it always came for free. Norbert Kutz put a lot of effort into this compilation series and to me it was a vivid source of inspiration and made me feel like an explorer of new worlds. Well, sometimes an era ends, and so did the compilation some weeks ago. At the end, somewhat ten final volumes were released with music submitted to Midnight Radio. Tonight it's time to say thank you for all the work on this compilation. Hence, this is a kind of dedicated edition of syndae, having tracks from several of the final volumes, that is music by Reskimus, Jesper Sorensen, Eagle, Johan Tronestam, and Cousin Silas.


Reskimus - See You (MRC 92)
Jesper Sorensen - Taros one (MRC 87)
Eagle - Out of the Blue (MRC 84)
Johan Tronestam - Sacrificed - Roswell (MRC 85)
Cousin Silas - French Connections (MRC 89)

Image: https://www.pexels.com/de/foto/ausgestopftes-tier-kind-madchen-niedlich-65249/