Played for fun

Episode 386

So this is the week of breaking headphones. First, my listening headphone started to crackle, it's an open Beyerdynamics DT990 which I have for about 15 years. And I thought, well, cannot blame them for slowly giving up. I always have a second one. Well, I had. As right this week my closed-back AKG, which I use for mixing and recording, simply broke on one side. Blimey! So now I am using a portable on-ear headphone for listening and recording. Wonder, what that will do to the show. But, hey, you are here for the music, and I totally have cool stuff for you on the playlist. Brand new releases as well as some that definitely are worth checking out. Fantastic tracks, too, one this new edition, which are by Pyramaxx (Move), Blinky Blinky Computerband (Fractured Sign), Wellenfeld (Ten), Baltes & Erbe (Electric Garden), aAirial (Music for Sunny Days), and Saafi Brothers (The Quality of Being One: Remixes).

