Hanging asound

Episode 362

It's one of the last warmer and sunny days over here at my place, and thus will be the music of tonight's edition: relaxed and chilling. So I hope you will find some time to lay back and have a joyful moment listening to these fine tracks. Best to visit a peaceul and nice place in your mind palace, sit down and let your soul hang around following the slower and faster beats of the show, while listening to tracks by Vaporgrave (Split 2), Julian Ray (Space Wanderer), The Pels Syndicate (Life Cycle), Stan Dart (Hometown Menories), Kuba (Society of Inner Light), Three Fields (Island Mixes), Who Ha (Retro Promenade 09.16), Max Jahn (Skyrunner), Heavenchord (In Search of a New Dimension), rob-a (Element EP), and B. Toriyama (Episodes).


Image: https://pixabay.com/de/schwimmteich-anni-wasser-garten-1687538/