Get taken away

Episode 353

Where is the summer? Well, definitely not at my place currently, but on the other hand, there is nothing stopping me from putting together another one hour show for syndae. The good, the bad, and the proggie. Quite in a mix of not so fast and not so quiet tracks tonight by Remy (Fears), Jakub Fijak (The Circle), Faex Optim (Start With the River), Stefan Erbe (Selectronique Debussy), Otarion (Constellations and the Red Thread), Eagle (Midnight Radio Compilation 68), Tess Said So (Scrramble + Fate), Sai (Perspective Seen From a Different Point of View), Panabrite (The Quietened Bunker), Klangzaun, moonbooter (Cosmoharmonics), and Push Against New Fakes (Immortality).


Image: (private collection)