Undiscovered memories

Episode 351

Water burbling, a slight wind breezing and a cloudless sky lets the stars shine bright over the landscape. Time to listen to nature and ones inner self and let life pass by in minutes. Thoughts can be anodyne, thrilling, confusing, no matter what the environment gives you. Tonight's tracks might give you any of those, simply let your mind drift and follow whatever the tunes induce. Enjoy your time with Adeptus Mechanicus & Lutz Thuns (Cosmic Expansion), Rik Johnson (Scars), Steve Roach (Future Flows), Walter Roos (Alkinoos), North Hive (Midnight Radio Compilation 66), and Ivan Black (The Wandering).


Image: https://pixabay.com/de/milchstra%C3%9Fe-felsen-nacht-landschaft-1096815/