Buy yourself some flowers

Episode 754

Some see it as romantic non-official holiday, some as some commercially induced tradition: Valentine's Day. Both may be right, but fact is that millions of people are out there to have a wondeful time with their partner in life. Or maybe with whomever they spend their current section in life with. Of course, on should celebrate relationships each day in life. One never knows, if and how long it lasts. Some people prefer to enjoy themself. Cheers to you as well, there is no friend like oneself. Whatever you feel like doing. And for all those romantic or otherwise happy people, I have some rather heart warming music selection on this edition with tracks by Stefan Erbe (Metamorphosys), Eleon (Love Everlasting), Time Away (Osirian Wave), Phaeleh (Fear of Silence), Christina Tourin (From the Angelic Harp Realm), Greg Maroney, Sherry Finzer, Suzanne Lansford (Frostmelt), Dino Pacifici & Brannan Lane (Imaginary Horizons), David Mauk (Piano With a View), Margo Vrubel ([45E104-2024] 333), Matthew Labarge (Windy Starry Blue), Thaneco (Cosmic Atlas).


Imaginary hands carrying you

Episode 753

When I was younger I was a fanatic fan of swimming and diving. It always had a bit of being in space, "hovering" weightlessly over the ground, kind of flying like a bird. Not sure what made this stop when I got older. It is funny to think of water and air as so similar, except for their particle density. So are fish the equivalent of birds in water? Well, one might argue. However, this hovering in some medium or in no medium, when it comes to space, is kind of fascinating, don't you think? And there is the perfect music for reaching a similar state in mind: Ambient. So, my dear friends in sound, let's go hovering in music tonight with cool tracks by Altus (Ultraviolet), Dashmesh (Biomimesis), Byron Metcalf, John Gregorius, Sean O'Bryan Smith (Primordial Awakening), Cass Anawaty (Cascades), Grant Beasley (Radiant Dawn), Deborah Martin & Cheryl Gallagher (Tibet), dominykas niaura (bevietystė), Tony Gerber (Finland), Solitaire (Trance Halcyon Connection).


High tech in sound

Episode 752

Have I ever said that the world has become crazy? In this prologue, perhaps? Well, if so or if not: The world has become crazy. Lot's of strange guys (mostly men of course) are going nuts with their ideas of how to treat people. And how to do politics for the people. But, you are not here for reading me ranting. You might have a completely different view on the world entirely. What unites us is the love for electronic based music, and that's what you get in good measure tonight. Incredible tracks by Elektronische Maschine (Life goes on), Faber One & Starlight and BIST & CIXXXJ (Pianeta Ephedrina Vol Uno), Mindheal (Heart and Mind), Simon Heartfield (The State Of Social Movement), Side Liner (Guilty Kitty), Ætheros & city at worlds end and Proton 42 (IDMf Retrospective Vol. 5), Eko_Fisk & Gears in the Rain (Dark Air), Hats Off Gentlemen It's Adequate (The Uncertainty Principle), Wormhole (Hot Trax Vol. 2), Mitochondrial Sun (Machine Dialectics).


Tic by tic and no tok

Episode 751

Are you annoyed by the current news portfolio? The outlets seem only to know one topic these days. So let's ignore it for at least one hour and join in to this edition of the finest in Space Ambient and Berlin School music. We are back to a normal playlist tonight, after two shows with award applicants, and it's great stuff on the show. Everything falling into very cool sequences, hypnotic like watching gear wheels clicking. But more exciting, for sure. Fantastic musicians as well. And one final applicant named for Your Own Way, although the final list of nominees is already published. Now, pick up your headphones and get going to listen to Liese, Spyra, Vikaluk (Inspyration III), Ken Lusk (Radiant Dawn), Andy Pickford (Expurgations), Michael Brückner (The Seven Planes of Dreams), Fringo Chills ( Norway), Saiowa (Spottermusic), The 5th Manikin (BERLIN - A Tribute Album for Mark Shreeve).


 Owning your path

Episode 750

Taking your own way is not always easy on yourself. It usually means to be smiled upon for not following the main stream or longing for success, as others define it. The core point most often is to follow ones heart and ideas to fulfill one's "need" to express oneself. It's not necessarily some hard choices or descisions to be made, but it may take some courage and choices in live others do not understand. Well, at least it takes some guts to put out your own creations to the world for good or bad, as one never knows about what response to expect. The Schallwelle award's Your Own Way prize is interested in rather unusual ways for finding into electronic music. This is part two of nominee tracks, this time by Mikel Sounder, Spieluhr Records, Secret Moonbase, Vortex Elements, Wellengärtner, Rahara Chillout, MiDi BiTCH, Record Of Tides, Romerium.


A path of your own

Episode 749

Final warn... no, final call... for the Schallwelle Award votings. If you have not done so, you can still vote for your favourie artist, album, and ambient album in electronic music. The winners of the voting session will be awarded at the Schallwelle Award ceremonies in March. And there are still tickets available, if you want to join us for the festivities, including live concerts by Gate Eleven, Elektronische Maschine, and one more to be announced. Besides the audience votings there are some categories not for the public but awarded based on jury votes. For one of those categories, named "Your own way", I will present the nominees in this and the coming edition. We will start with NGC 224, Lunaar, Frank Tischer, Colin Rayment, IcingWolf, Mike Hans STEFFL, Imaginary Landscape, LichtBildGestalter.


Reborn from the past

Episode 748

There you have it. Old 2024 left us with a mess, and 2025 in charge to clean it up. Well, we will see, if that works out or will simply continue with what was left behind. But, hey, it's a new round on our elliptical course around the sun and there are many cool things coming. Several musical events already on the horizon and surely an amazing number of great and highly inspiring releases awat us fans in electronic heaven. Like the cool treats you get tonight with music by Gate Eleven (First Contact), Mindheal (Heart and Mind), Side Liner (Time Expiration), Stan Dart (MurInsel 7: Travel Stories), Giovanni Scorpio & Neosir (Vice), Fritz Mayr (Brainwave), Malcolm Galloway (Metazoa), MiDi BiTCH (Hyperborea), Gate Eleven (First Contact).


Hot sparkles

Episode 747

That was fast. Or was it? This is the 48th show for 2024 and already the final one for this year. It's name fits the speed the year has passed. Like a 747 on full thrusters. And it carried quite a load of cool and new music as well. For what it's worth, I wish you all the best for your future. Lot's of strange things going on in this one world we occupy. So take care and have a decent time of life in 2025. Thematically we stick with the speed on tonight's edition with beatful and driving music by Ndorfik (Eighteenth Listen), TNT (The December Solstice 2024 Compilation), KΔDΔBRΔ (Friday the 13th (On December)), Elysian Underground (Almost Primordial), Psychoz (Digital Family Vol. 11), Renil Edis & Di.Capa (24 Hours Awake), TOONER (Pushing The Limits), Bunshi (Bupropion), Femii (No Dust), Jeff Appleton (Quadrants 3 - Part 1).


Lightweight listening

Episode 746

Yes, it's this time of the year, where big chunks of chocolate is formed into strange and hollow figurines and such. Like it or not, in many regions of the world, people may follow their believes (generally) freely. For others, it serves as some welcome time out to spend with your family or friends. A common theme of these festive days is the kind of music you hear. And while radio stations tend to play the same plunder each year, welcome to syndae. You do get some nice tunes tonight, as a precognition for the coming days, but it's new, at least to the show. Feeling joyful? Then join in for beauties in sound by Gandalf (A Light from Afar), David Lindsay (With You), Jim Ottaway (Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying), Steen Chorchendorff Jorgensen (Floating out of Thin Air), Kori Linae Carothers (On A Cold Frosty Morning), Fiona Joy Hawkins (Music For Study And Relaxation), Joe Weineck (Earthlings), Lynn Tredeau & Sherry Finzer (Snowfall), Christina Tourin & Peter Sprague (Imaginings (DuoVersion)), Brian Mulder (Cygnus), Ambient Ballroom (ja ohne geht), Ryan Michael Richards (That Trip to Bethlehem), Rick Sparks (Winter Dream), Dan Kennedy (Ascend to Adonleigh).


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